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GPI G2系列电池供电流量计



  • The lithium battery powered electronic display G2 Stainless Steel flowmeters are calibrated to read in gallons and litersper minute with two totals in which case one is resettable and gives you a cumulative flow total. The G2 Series flowmeters comein ½ in, ¾ in, 1 in, 1½ in, and 2 inch models.
  • Stainless Steel Models are used with ammonium, plating solutions, caustic and acidic cleaning agents, fuel products and other chemicals.
  • Aluminum housing Models are used for measuring fuel, diesel, and other petroleum based liquids
  • The G2 Brass turbine flowmeters are great to use with glucose, lacquer thinners and vegetable juices because of their compatibility.
  • Use PVDF flowmeters to measure bleach, ferric chloride, phenol, sulfuric acid or phosphoric acid.
  • Factory calibration in gallons and litres. The 09 has 2 Totals (one Reset and one Cumulative table), automatic on and off, internal power supply, and field replaceable Lithium batteries for long life. Flow rate display updates every 5 seconds, readout is in units/minute.

GPI G2系列电池供电流量计

锂电池供电的电子显示器 G2 不锈钢流量计经过校准,以加仑和每分钟为单位读取两个总数,在这种情况下,一个是可重置的,并为您提供累积流量。 G2 系列流量计有 ½ 英寸、¾ 英寸、1 英寸、1½ 英寸和 2 英寸型号。
G2 黄铜涡轮流量计因其兼容性而非常适合与葡萄糖、漆稀释剂和蔬菜汁一起使用。
使用 PVDF 流量计测量漂白剂、氯化铁、苯酚、硫酸或磷酸。
以加仑和升为单位的工厂校准。 09 有 2 个总计(一个复位和一个累积表)、自动开和关、内部电源和可现场更换的长寿命锂电池。流速显示每 5 秒更新一次,读数单位为单位/分钟。

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